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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ahem ! ! !

Onydchic says I’ve got A.D.D. (I say she’s wrong, ‘cos if you asked Mr. Ola Johnson- my secondary school maths teacher, he would tell you how I used to turn my maths assignments into sketch doodles); thinking about it now, I guess she wasn’t referring to algebra. That’s the most I want to dwell on that topic.

My worst addictions didn’t last, nothing longer than a few weeks, at most. That may be my only reason for not understanding what compels my “Lazy friend” to consistently and repeatedly give in to what he calls “the spirits”. In my own opinion, there are some things you should not make any excuses for, never. A young dude with a promising football career that is crazily addicted to sex and clubbing (to hunt for sex) is another dimension to being a junky.

Drug junkies smell like death, they reek of the substance that they abuse and give credence to the “What nourishes me also destroys me” quote. This dude threw away all hopes of going professional with his football career, though old enough to be a father; he still rags ‘pocket money’ from his mum, cannot engage in any kind of productive labour (he says he doesn’t want to work for anyone) and is scared of graduating from the university ‘cos he knows that ultimately leads to him fending for himself. Dude pays 5 to 15 gees (in this kain hard time) to have sex with a faceless club girl, then walks over to your house in the morning to eat breakfast and lament about how “the spirits” have possessed his “thing”.

Personally, I don’t understand it; there can’t be two of this type of person alive (well, maybe Eric Benet and Un..........d, that actually makes three of ‘em). I know there are doctors and psychiatrists amongst us, what is this ailment called? Because, personally I do not believe any spirit will make your loins so promiscuous. Moreover, evil spirits cannot let you enjoy so much (abi).

South Africans! I am adding my voice to the multitudes that think you should cover your faces and bury your heads in shame. What were you thinking as a nation, what reasons do you think you have to take the lives of people that have taken refuge within your territories?

The blood is on your hands, you are a nation of murderers, arsonists, rapists and thieves, not revolutionary ANYTHING. And what is more, AFRICA is quite about it, NIGERIA is quite about it, the whole WORLD has kept mum. What a shame, knowing your own painful history as a nation. Big shame!.


  1. im first! yay!
    im coming back to post my comment...

    make i go read ur post

  2. wow! i've got so many questions to ask...

    this guy's old enough to be a father and his mum keeps giving him pocket money? first, i think she's contributed to ruining his life is some way.

    secondly, how has he continued to stay in Uni?? does he keep repeating his modules or wat??

    and if u ask me, i'll say he needs to go for deliverance and then see a psychiatrist...

    By the way, wat has he contributed to ur friendship and u too wat have u contriuted to his life?? u need to check ur friendship wiv him o Oga Plastiq

    "Personally, I don’t understand it; there can’t be two of this type of person alive (well, maybe Eric Benet and Un..........d, that actually makes three of ‘em)"...

    is the third person Unnaked??? just asking o!

  3. @msmii: we grew up together, so that's where the tie came from; we don talk tire, even embarassed him sometimes...but, he is a man and his choices gotta be respected. His fall into sex-dom was gradual and coded at first, then it became obvious to all of us. The third person cannot be UnNaked, he is by far more creative and apparently more hard working than that(gal, why did u put me on the spot like that?) As per the uni bit, he started late 'cos of the professional football thing.

    As per the friendship bit, don;t tell me you don't have friends that you have reservations about their habits as I'm sure they might have about yours. thanx for stopping bye dear...

  4. wow about your know what they say about excuses...rather pathetic though...seems like mumsie is enabling him too...always tickles me when people who are unemployed talk about how they don't want to work for anyone...fine...then create a job fool! excuse o!...

    ...the pic below is disturbing...i have not been keeping up with the news, but fear based on what you have written...*sighing*...let me go and see what the heck south africa is up to now...and they are supposed to host world cup?!...chai...

  5. this guy must really have you there...i know what it feels like...i've got some cousins (less complex though),they just refused to go to can be mad

    please which one did SA do again, i've heard a couple of offenses but not paid attention for details.

  6. heard about the SA story on gnaija's blog, such shame! hope the third person is not my unnaked?
