I smiled again. Actually, I was amazed that I could forgive the panties. They had these little bow ties at both edges. I’ve always thought white panties were kinda too clinical and a huge turn off; but, watching her bend down and rise up consistently was getting me to have a rethink (no turn ons, ). I smiled and her sister said “You!, this man..., She is married, yes?” They both stuttered their sentences out in English and my subject ended her sentences with a smile and a flick of her hair; here I was, by chance with two beautiful and friendly Lebanese ladies.
I was using my lunch to pick up gifts for friends (I immensely enjoy doing that), this time I was at colors in Africa picking up art pieces (key holders, soap stone figurines and some wooden sculpture). “So, you buy plenty, you get discount, I buy plenty plenty, no get discount, why?” my subject asked, she was tall and beautiful, and like 7 months pregnant; she was picking artifacts for friends back in Lebanon. We chat about random stuff, about me (being an artist and working in a financial service company) and about how much she loved Lagos (crazy place, no?); she towered over me and we flirted shamelessly; her sister kept reminding me that ‘my subject’ was pregnant and married; we both ignored her. I never felt better in a long time, knowing nothing could come out of the whole flirt/chat thing. Time flew, had to leave...stretched out my hand for a handshake but got a warm hug instead.
Made a joke about her giving birth to twins and she said she’ll name the male after me. Laughed, went over to Debonairs, got a large tray of pizza, went back to work saw the 10.30 screening of Iron Man at Silverbird and went clubbing later. Beautiful day, the way a Friday should always go. Thank God another friday is around the corner.