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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Memoirs: 2

I'm the breeze in your hair

The whispers in your ears

The honey, wine and cream on your lips

I'm the fingers on your body

The kiss on your ass dimples

Giving you goose bumps

And instant pimples

I'm d caress of your breasts

The lick on your nipples

I'm the traveler on your spine

The gold miner in your navel

Can't you see?

I'm the heat in your thighs

The tongue in your thong

I'm the gifted musician

Playing your pubic hairs like a harp

Perhaps, you're the choir

Singing sweet songs as I take you higher



Note: I wrote this one as a mental compensation for not getting love in return. You know, I let it play in my mind, like she was there; being loved and reciprocating. Well, while reading through my 'book', she found the write-up...loved it, found her name scrawled somewhere below and cried {still can't fathom why}. Priorities got switched after that: I wanted a relationship badly; she thought the sex was beautiful and all that mattered. I couldn't complain. Nirvana.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Memoirs: 1

Neglecting the scars of these street wars

The blood that flows from car windows

And tired mothers fast becoming widows

Missiles are stones and bottled up flaming furies emboldened by petrol and kerosene

I care no more

Even if the overflow carries me away with it

Though I can easily beat its tide

I know I won't even try

For what else could be real

When her promise of love was just a sham

Pssheeeeeeew!! !

June 03, 2003


NB. This is from a collection of notes {memoirs if you please} that I used to write to myself in the past; Inspired by the emotions that I felt at different moments of my life. I would pick up a pen and my sketch pad, switch off the lights and start doodling; the doodles would turn to random words and sometimes I manage to turn out coherent stuff. I hope this is one of them. I had a lazy-fun easter break, would/could have been 'great' but was marred by the death of a friend. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Love, eternally.

They were airborne, at last. He looked to his left; she was there, his beautiful wife of four years. They had dated for three years before getting married. He couldn't recall anything meaningful he had done without her. She was ashen with fear, totally speechless; must be the flying experience. She didn't expect it to be this sudden and definitely not this way, he had to make this move or he would have lost her to that playboy, Benjamin. They had promised they would be together till the death and he meant to keep his word; moreover she was carrying his baby, their first. He could not believe his ears when she told him she was leaving, 'I'm leaving with Ben, we are flying tonight' she said, and 'the baby is his, not yours'; what nonsense!. Me and Mr. Jones (by Amy Winehouse) plays on the radio, she starts screaming, and it wasn't about the music. He knew why, and smiles; my love, my life, he thinks to himself.

The metal barrier bends under the impact and the car bumps up a little higher into the sky upon hitting the concrete. Yes! smooth sailing, he could let go of the steering wheel now. She had stopped screaming and was staring at him with unspoken questions in her eyes. There was no time to explain anything, everything. His eyes offered the only explanations 'soon my love, you will understand, we'll be together forever'. They were going a lot slower now, altitude and gravity must have switched roles. He looks out the window and up into the sky, so pure, so sublime. Everything starts happening fast again, the plunge must have started. He reaches out to her and she just keeps staring ahead, her eyes fixed like they were made of glass. She looked so ethereal with her unmade hair caught in the wild breeze.

Breathing became hard; the machine went through random twists and wisps of air were all around them. The breeze was stronger and harsher now, no more a caress. The radio was still on, though he could barely hear what was playing; something that sounded like 'Lady' by D'angelo. How appropriate, he closes his eyes, sleep was creeping in and he couldn't allow himself to fall asleep. This was their moment. His eyes close again as they landed rather fast and uncontrolled, they went into the air for the second time with more twists and turns. He couldn't see her face anymore or hear what she was saying, a contorted metal part of the car was now blocking his view, his neck snapped as they hit the ground on the third bounce. Someone screamed somewhere in the background, he couldn't make out the words properly, more people were screaming now; then nothing; just the enveloping darkness.



Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Our father's past......Our present

Sinfully dark
Cleansingly bright
This night
we have come this far
at Ifa's bidding
The mouthpiece of the gods
With ambers' guide
we're not led astray
Under the moonlight's shine
we carelessly gyrate
to the rhythm that we create
We answer to the call of the drummer's best;
Chants and praises
Blood and wine
We appease the gods
Hope to please them all
Wives are taken
Duels are broken
Tonight we are high
in our ancestor's spirit
Every stop, yet another climax
This is how we pledge allegiance
to the binders of the earth
In happy subordination
We reinforce and pay
homage to our fathers' past
And to today...
Our present.

June, 2004